Engage - Prayer Advances
Prayer advances are annual events held for different audiences (age groups or genders) with the same unified goal: Revival, Renewal, and Refreshment. These goals are accomplished through four key elements:
- Preaching – The Prayer Advances feature heart-directed and powerful preaching in our main sessions, as well as times of practical and instructional teaching in our break-out seminars.
- Worship – Congregational praise and worship is an important theme of the Prayer Advances. It features a blended style with both modern songs and older hymns. The goal is singing together with one voice to praise our God.
- Prayer – We too often talk about prayer without practicing it. The Prayer Advance staff offers time, training, and guides for groups to use each night after the main sessions to seek God’s face together. There is also a time the second day called the “sweet hour of prayer” where every individual is given the opportunity to seek God’s face uninterrupted for an hour.
- Fellowship – We do not promote a group agenda. We seek to be a group of likeminded Christians who come together with the soul purpose of seeking the face of God. Thus, we have people of many different backgrounds that unite around the Gospel. Christian fellowship is vital to spiritual growth. (See statement of faith)
- Click Here to learn more about the prayer advances.
Edify - Local Church Events, Pastoral Encouragement, and Other Discipleship/Gospel Efforts
This is how Christ Life Ministries began with holding local church revival meetings. Now we offer many opportunities for churches, pastors, and individuals to participate in. Click the link below to learn more about this variety of opportunities available to attend or host.
- Click Here to learn more.
Equip - Publications & Resources
We believe Christians who are not learning are not growing. Thus, we seek to provide as many resources as possible, both printed and digital, to equip individual Christians and local churches for growth. This is done through three means:
- Christ Life Publications – Our in house subsiderary that publishes books. We have titles in print and digital form that we have produced.
- Content creation – We produce content via social media, video recordings, writing, and in more ways to aid in the Christians daily challenge to learn more about open the mind, challenge the heart, and encourage the soul. This ranges from articles and individual topic videos to full blown small group-studies.
- Resource distribution – We do not believe we own the market on resources. If we find a resource that is helpful, we seek to pass it along through a channels of distribution.
- Click Here for free resources.
- Click Here to access our online store.

Contact Us
Christ Life Ministries, Inc.
PO Box 399 Vinton, VA 24179
Phone: 540-890-6100